Smoking fishŁutselk'e ("place of the Łutsel", a type of small fish), also spelt Łutsel K'e, is a "designated authority"[5] in the North Slave Region of the Northwest Territories, Lutsel K'e landscape Canada. The community is located on the south shore near the eastern end of Great Slave Lake and until 1 July 1992, it was known as Snowdrift, as the community lies near the mouth of the Snowdrift River. Łutsel K'e is represented by the WikipediaLutsel K'e Dene First Nation and are part of the Akaitcho Territory Government.


Voices from Lutsel K'e

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Interviewees from Lutsel K'e Augustine Enzoe Baptiste Catholique Caitlin Able Celine Marlowe Dennis Drygeese Doris Terri Enzoe Edward Catholique Ernest Boucher Florence Catholique Jake Pasil Jim Fatt Joe Desjarlais Joe Michel John J. Catholique Mary Rose Enzoe Morning Star Pierre Catholique Roger Catholique Ronald Enzoe Stephen Ellis Steven Nitah Susan Catling Tom Beaulieu

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