An International Polar Year project of CARMA

Voices of the Caribou People video project is part of the Circum-Arctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Network (CARMA), sponsored by the Canadian International Polar Year program.


Archana Bali developed and carried out this project as part of her PhD studies at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Methodological considerations will be pulished as part of her dissertaion. She is recepient of the George Schaller Fellowship, funded through a generous support from the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation.


Funding and Affiliations:


Partner Organizations:


Special thanks to:

  • Members of the CARMA network and CARMA steering committee
  • Leslie Wakelyn, Yellowknife
  • Akhil Bali, Digitaltotal Workstations
  • Pat and Baiba Morrow, Morrow Productions
  • Technical support (video editing) - Sarah Richards and Tyson Hansen
  • Technical support (website) - Edie BarbourCourtney Price and Jóhann Ásmundsson
  • Frank Mrazik, Ottawa for his kind permission to use the illustration 'The Enchanted Caribou' by his sister Elizabeth Cleaver (1939-1985)
  • Photo credits for the caribou image (background image): Skarphedinn Thorisson
  • CAFF and Arctic Portal for hosting the website




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